Kumar, VinodPrasad, Kamlesh Kumar2016-09-082016-09-082010http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/76094An experiment was conducted in the year 2006-07 and 2007-08 on potato with seven nutrient sources [F1- crop residue incorporation (Previous crop moong) @ 2 t/ha, F2 - F1 + microbial culture to decompose crop residue (Trichoderma viride) @ 2.50 kg/ha, F3 - F2 + Biofertilizer (Azotobacter + Phosphobacteria) @ 250 ml/ha each, F4 - F3 + Biodynamics (BD- 500 @ 75 g/ha as soil surface spray in 40 l of water; BD-501 @ 250 g/ha with 35 l of water as spray at 2 leaves stage and Urja @ 1.25 kg/ha in 800 l. of water, 3 spray at interval of 20 days starting from 30 DAP), F5 - F4 + FYM @ 20 t/ha, F6 - FYM 30 t/ha and F7 - RDF ( N-150, P2O5-90 and K2O-100 kg/ha) and three potato varieties (V¬1 - Rajendra Alu-1, V2 - Kufri Pushkar and V3 - Kufri Jawahar) at Tirhut College of Agriculture Farm, Dholi (Muzaffarpur), Bihar during Rabi season. The soil of the experimental plot was Entisol, sandy loam in texture and low in available NPK with a pH of 8.31. It has semi-arid, sub-tropical climate, which is greatly influenced by South-West monsoon with an average annual rainfall of 1270 mm. The experiment was carried out in randomized block design (factorial) with twenty one treatments and were replicated thrice. All the growth parameters like plant height, shoots per plant, leaves per plant, leaf area index, dry matter accumulation, bulking rate and all yield attributing characters got their maximum reflection to the treatment F7 (inorganic nutrient source) which was comparable with F5 (organic nutrient source). An interaction effect was found significant in terms of LAI observed by the treatment F7 with variety Kufri Pushkar at 90 DAP which was at par with treatment F5 with same variety. The treatment F5 produced significantly higher fresh tuber yield over F1, F2, F3 and F4. Treatment F5 produced 31.41 per cent and 31.93 per cent more fresh tuber yield over treatment F1 (organic nutrient source) in 2006-07 and 2007-08, respectively. Whereas, for shelf life of potato tubers, treatment F5 recorded significantly lower rotting, weight loss and reducing sugar percentage in comparison to F7 at different growth stages. While in qualitative observations, the maximum starch production, nitrogen content, crude protein content was recorded by treatment F7 which was at par with F5. The gross return, net return and B : C ratio was recorded significantly higher by the treatment F7 over all other treatments except F5.¬ Among the varieties, Kufri Pushkar recorded significantly superior in all growth parameters, yield attributing characters except tuber : vine ratio and harvest index during both the years. Kufri Pushkar showed an early emergence at 15 days after planting than other varieties. It was also observed that Kufri Pushkar produced significantly higher number of tubers per plant, weight of tubers per plant and grade wise yield in the categories of 20-40 g and > 40 g over rest of the varieties. The variety Kufri Pushkar produced 13.05 per cent and 13.18 per cent higher during 2006-07 and 24.05 per cent and 23.89 per cent higher fresh tuber yield during 2007-08 over Kufri Jawahar and Rajendra Alu-1, respectively. Regarding shelf life of potato, Kufri Pushkar recorded significantly lower rotting, weight loss and reducing sugar percentage, while this variety had significantly higher production of starch, nitrogen content and crude protein during both the years. Kufri Pushkar fetched maximum gross return (Rs. 103324 and Rs. 105793/ha), net return (Rs. 60564 and Rs. 63033/ha) and benefit : cost ratio (1.40 and 1.46), respectively.enPotatoOrganic fertilizersEffect of different organic sources on growth, yield and quality of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varietiesThesis