Mugale, Madhav NilakanthBalachandran, CTANUVAS2019-03-122019-03-122019-02 importance in epidemiological studies, the present investigation was conducted to find out the prevalence of various pulmonary lesions in small ruminants. Out of 110000 animals under the study, two hundred and forty-seven ovine and caprine cases showed different types of pulmonary disorders including Jaagsiekte (n=23, 9.32%), Maedi (n=37, 14,98%), bronchopneumonia (n=182, 73.68%) and other miscellaneous conditions (n=5, 2.02%). The various types of bronchopneumonia observed in the present study includes chronic, serofibrinous, suppurative, interstitial and eosinophilic bronchopneumonia. The chronic bronchopneumonia (CBP) found more common in small ruminants showing extensive fibrosis of pulmonary parenchyma. In conclusion, the present study revealed bronchopneumonia as a predominant pulmonary disorder in small ruminants followed by Maedi and Jaagsiekte.enVeterinary ScienceAn Abattoir Based Histopathological Survey of Pulmonary Pathology in Small RuminantsInternational Journal of Livestock ResearchArticle