Mintu JobShalini Kumari2024-02-152024-02-152023 rice cultivation is one of the required methods to fulfil the rice requirement of the world due to rapid population growth and pressure on cultivated land. Hybrid rice has been introduced in recent past but, it was not popularized and accepted by the large section of the farming community as desired. However, lot of efforts are made to popularize hybrid rice cultivation. With this hypothesis, a study entitled “Study of hybrid rice growers in selected blocks of Palamu District, Jharkhand” was designed with the objectives of assessing (i) To analyse the socio- economic status of farmers involved in hybrid rice cultivation (ii) To study the productivity & profitability of farmers engaged in the same and (iii) To study the constraints faced by the hybrid rice grower in selected blocks of Palamu district of Jharkhand purposively due to its potentiality and advancement of the farmers. A sample size of 180 rice growers was randomly selected as the respondents. Information were collected personally through a semi-structured schedule. It was observed that majority of the respondents were middle aged, educated up to high school and above and small farmers. The respondents had good knowledge about land situation, variety and different parameters of rice cultivation and lack knowledge about manures, fertilizers and disease and pest attack. The respondents regularly adopt seed treatment, sowing quality seed and manage nutrients, disease and pest to the satisfactory level. Socio economic variables particularly education holding size, extension contact and annual income greatly influenced in adopting recommended practices of rice cultivation and attitude towards hybrid rice cultivation. The respondents stated that soil, climate, temperature, fertility status were suitable for hybrid rice cultivation. They had poor perception about availability of quality seed of desired variety and its timely supply. They also reacted about poor advisory service and government policy system particularly procurement with remunerative price. Adverse climatic condition, nursery raising, pest and disease attack, unreasonable seed price, poor quality seed, no price support were the major constraints expressed by the growers in hybrid rice cultivation. The respondents also faced many social constraints particularly lack of team spirit, community approach. They had poor opinion about advisory services particularly training, demonstration, monitoring and guidance. Development of desired variety with quality seed supply in time, easy disposal of produce with remunerative price, adequate advisory services including development of skill competency and strategy for community approach were the major suggestions of the respondents towards popularization of hybrid rice cultivation.EnglishSTUDY OF HYBRID RICE GROWERS IN SELECTED BLOCKS OF PALAMU DISTRICT, JHARKHANDThesis