VASUNDHARA, M.BHOOMIKA, H. R.2017-07-072017-07-072015-02-10Th-10994 study on noni (Morinda citrifolia L.) was undertaken at Gandhi Krishi Vigyana Kendra, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bengaluru, during 2013-14. The study comprised of seven treatment combinations viz., T1- Control (no fertilizer application), T2- 50:100:100 kg ha-1 NPK, T3- 50: 225:50 kg ha-1 NPK, T4- 50:100:100 kg ha-1 NPK - 50% of recommended P through bone meal, T5- 50: 225:50 kg ha-1 NPK - 50% of recommended P through bone meal, T6- 50:100:100 kg ha-1 NPK - 100% of recommended P through bone meal and T7- 50: 225:50 kg ha-1 NPK - 100% of recommended P through bone meal. The treatments T5 and T7 have recorded significantly higher growth parameters like plant height (3.61m and 3.67m respectively) and canopy spread (7.50m2 and 6.54 m2 respectively) compared to control. Application of higher dose of P has resulted in early flowering and fruit maturity. Peak flowering was during July and August. Treatment T5 recorded significantly maximum fruit weight (29.97 g/fruit), fruit volume (26.23 cm3) and fruit to seed ratio (8.25). Significantly higher yields than control were also recorded in T5 (35.83 kg tree-1 and 39.81 t ha-1) followed by T7 (34.43 kg tree-1, 38.26 t ha-1). Highest available soil N and P were recorded in T3 (238.3kg/ha: 37.51kg/ha) and K in T2 and T6 (192.4kg/ha each). The treatment T3 recorded maximum B:C ratio (3.85). Qualitative screening of fruit juice showed the presence of alkaloids, saponins, proteins, ascorbic acid, gums and mucilages, phenolic compounds, tannins and oils in the fruit juice. The treatment T5 and T7 have proven best in terms of quality by recording significantly higher moisture, juice, TSS, alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin and protein contents. The treatments T5 and T7 have proven best in terms of yield and quality and can be rated as superior treatment combinations for noni cultivation.ennullSTUDIES ON INTEGRATED NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT IN NONI (Morinda citrifolia L.)Thesis