Mukherjee, A.P.Sahu, R.K.Tripathi, M.P.Bajpayee, R.K.Pandey, N.Khan, Mohd. Tayeb Ali2017-02-152017-02-152010 dissertation is the description of the work done in the area of conjunctive use of surface and ground water in the Selud distributary command of Tandula canal in Durg district. Land availability being limited, leaving little scope for horizontal expansion, assured irrigation becomes a necessity for increased production and productivity. Water must be stored at times when natural supply exceeds the demand to attain the objectives of conservation and control of the water resources. Various data had been collected from relevant departments and used in this study. Field visits and personal interaction with field workers, water user association members and farmers were also carried out to gather the relevant information. The existing land and water resources had been assessed scientifically for efficient use of water through conjunctive use of available water resources without undesirable effects. The potential of surface and ground water use in the command area had been quantified. The proportion of present water use had been found out as 58.37 % and 41.63 % from surface water and ground water. Additional 76.76 and 7.50 Mm3 of surface and ground water had been proposed which is the optimum use of surface and ground water to irrigate the entire net sown area by keeping the stage of development within safe category as prescribed by the Ground Water Estimation Committee. The sites of the water harvesting and artificial recharge structures should be identified to harvest the maximum local runoff and artificial recharge of ground water besides treatment of the command area with suitable soil and water conservation measures. The farmers should be advised to increase the area of lesser water requirement crops than paddy like vegetables, pulses and oilseeds. The micro irrigation and system of rice intensification should also be a common practice to irrigate more area and to reduce the expenditure on the development and management of both surface and ground water. This will ultimately enhance the livelihood security of the farming community and raise the standard of living of the people of the command area.enCONJUNCTIVE USE PLANNING OF SELUD DISTRIBUTARY COMMAND OF TANDULA CANAL IN DURG DISTRICTThesis