Raghul, J.Manohar, B. MuraliBalachandran, C.TANUVAS2016-08-062016-08-062006-11http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/71266Protection of lymphoid organs by different haemagglutination inhibition (HI) titre levels induced by Newcastle disease Virus (NDV) vaccine was studied by challenging with a velogenic NDV and evaluated by histopathology and immunoperoxidase test (IPT). Bursa was relatively more susceptible among the lymphoid organs, protected by a HI titre of 512 and above, while the spleen and caecal tonsils at 64 and above titre levels, responded by secondary vaccination. However, the thymus and Harderian gland showed no histopathological lesions even at maternally derived HI levels, greater than 16 and 4 respectively.enProtection of the Lymphoid Organs by Newcastle Disease Virus Induced Antibodies in the ChickenArticle