Kumar, NavneetRanaut singh, Nishant Deep2018-06-152018-06-152012-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810053376ABSTRACT The present study was conducted on postpartum cows (n=340) belonging to farmers of districts Kangra and Hamirpur of H.P. The cows exhibiting estrus within 90 days postpartum were categorized as control (n=95) and rest (n=245) were categorized in to different groups depending upon duration of postpartum anestrus i.e. 3-6 m (n=84), 6-9 m (n=88) and 9m and above (>9m; n=73). The data recorded from the farmers regarding managemental practices viz. duration of postpartum anestrus, amount of concentrate feed provided per day, average milk yield per day, sex of calf born during recent calving, males housed along with cows, duration of suckling postpartum, deworming status, feeding practice and supplementation of mineral mixture and salt was analysed. The random blood samples of control (n=12) and anestrus (n=50) cows were collected for haematological, macro and micro minerals, biochemicals and hormonal estimations. Only 27.94 per cent cows had exhibited estrus behaviour within 90 days postpartum whereas 24.71, 25.88 and 21.47 per cent animals remained anestrus for 3-6m, 6-9 m and >9 m respectively, under rural managemental condition of Himachal Pradesh. Lesser quantity of concentrate ration and mineral mixture was provided to anestrus cows as compared to control ones, whereas salt was supplemented to all cows irrespective of anestrus duration. The BCS of control (2.77±0.02) and anestrus group (2.68±0.02) cows was comparable. No difference was recorded in per day milk yield. The practice of suckling influenced the anestrus duration. The duration of anestrus was more in cows with higher ectoparasite load (20.82 v/s 6.32 %). There was no variation in macro and micro mineral profile between control and anestrus cows. The total leucocyte count was higher (16.18±1.83 v/s 10.89±0.79 x 109 /L) whereas cholesterol (109.10±6.08 v/s 152.95±16.02 mg/dl) and T4 (2.55±0.20 v/s 5.04±0.39 µg/ml) concentrations were lower in anestrus compared to control group cows, respectively.ennullINFLUENCE OF VARIOUS FACTORS ON DURATION OF POSTPARTUM ANESTRUS OF COWS IN H.P.Thesis