Grewal, Satvir KaurYuviana J Singh2019-11-082019-11-082019 present investigation was carried out to study the contribution of antioxidative defense mechanism and glyoxalase system towards yellow mosaic disease (YMD) resistance in three black gram cultivars KUG 253 (highly susceptible to YMD), MASH114 (resistant) and Cross (KUG 253 × MASH114) were sown during kharif and spring season. In the kharif season yellow mosaic virus disease (YMD) infestation was observed in the leaves of KUG 253 cultivar while no signs of infection were visible in the other two cultivars. The severity of infection increased with the passage of time in the KUG 253 cultivar at 40 DAS during the kharif season whereas during spring season the YMD infestation was absent in all the three cultivars of black gram. Due to their differential response against YMD in the kharif season, various physiological and biochemical parameters were studied. It was found that antioxidative system is interlinked with the glyoxalase system to provide resistance against this disease. Higher activities of SOD, CAT and GR along with lower accumulation of MG, increase in reduced glutathione and free radical scavenging activity in MASH114 at 40DAS might be responsible for providing resistance against YMD. Enhanced activities of phenylpropanoid pathway and proline biosynthesis enzymes might be responsible for impeding the spread of the disease at 40DAS during the kharif season. It was found that Cross cultivar’s response against YMD was better than KUG253 but not as good as MASH114 cultivar. In the spring season, enzymes of the glyoxalase cycle and MG levels remained low in all the cultivars due to the absence of the disease and variations in specific activities of the antioxidative enzymes were observed due to the development changes. High activities of APX and GR which is responsible for maintaining glutathione pool may have contributed towards the better growth of the cultivars in the spring season.ennullContribution of antioxidative defense mechanism and glyoxalase system towards yellow mosaic disease resistance in black gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper)Thesis