HUGAR, L BGANGAL, SHIVANAND M2019-10-242019-10-242002No . of references 48 is an important commercial fruit crop of tropical region. India with 15.08 MT of banana production contributed 17.15 per cent of world production. Karnataka state stood first in banana production (2.01 MT) with 6.69 per cent area. However, in recent years, banana growers are facing several problems in production and marketing aspects threatening the sustainability of its cultivation. Keeping this in view, the present study,was carried out in North Karnataka to assess the performance of banana plantation pertaining, growth in area and production, profitability and resource use efficiency. A multistage technique was used to select sample farmers (135). The growth rates in area, production and productivity were found to be higher in Bellaiy followed by Gulbarga and Belgaum districts in North Karnataka. The establishment cost of banana plantation worked out to be Rs. 14,759 per hectare, out of which 50 per cent was spent on suckers and staking. The cost establishment was lower in Belgaum district. The maintenance cost amounted to Rs. 32,336 per hectare per year. The productivity of banana was highest in Gulbarga district followed by Bellary and Belgaum districts. The cultivation of banana was found to be profitable in North Karnataka with net profit of Rs. 85,266 per hectare per year. Farmers received higher net price of Rs. 422 pre q when sold through wholesale-cum-commission agent than those who sold through village level trader (Rs. 3 3 4 /q). The banana wilt, bunchy top diseases, non-availability of technical assistance are the important constraints in cultivation of banana, while delayed payments of sale proceeds and high cost of transport were major problems in marketing. Thus, standardization of production technologies and its demonstration, strict enforcement of regulation of marketing practices are suggested for sustained cultivation of banana in North Karnataka.ennullPERFORMANCE OF BANANA PLANTATIONS IN NORTH KARNATAKA - AN ECONOMIC ANALYSISThesis