GUPTA, DIVENDERTHAKUR, MEENA2016-07-232016-07-232011 The present studies on the “Population monitoring and management of fruit flies Bactrocera spp. infesting vegetable and fruit crops” were conducted during 2009 and 2010. In laboratory studies, among different food substances protein hydrolysate proved best in attracting the adults of B. tau (6.1 adults/30 minutes) and B. cucurbitae (6.3 adults/30 minutes). Among the test plant materials evaluated as oviposition deterrent, neem (90.1 and 88.7%), garlic (84.7 and 83.5 %) and Melia (83.9 and 82.9 %) exhibited strong deterrence in treated tomato and cucumber fruits, against B. tau and B. cucurbitae, respectively, the highest being at 3 per cent concentration. There was significant difference in the egg laying by plant extract fed B. tau and B. cucurbitae females with neem (6.6 eggs/female/day) as the best followed by garlic (10.4) and Melia (10.6). Minimum egg hatch was recorded in garlic (27.3%) followed by neem (44.1%) and Melia (52.0%), extracts. Phloroglucinol (1, 3, 5 trihydroxy benzene) resulted in significant reduction in oviposition and egg hatch when fed on 50 (5.7 eggs/female/day), 100 (1.8) and 125 mM (0.7) concentration in the diet in comparison to 29.1 eggs in control. At 100 and 125mM, eggs failed to hatch. The dissection of females fed on phloroglucinol based diet revealed various abnormalities in ovarian development and the egg morphology. During the population monitoring studies in field by employing male lures, B. tau, B. cucurbitae and B. scutellaris were caught in attractant-insecticide traps installed in vegetable crops among which B. scutellaris was most abundant followed by B. tau and B. cucurbitae, whereas, in peach and mango orchards B. dorsalis and B. zonata were found, with the predominance of the latter. Wooden block traps proved superior over suspension traps in attracting fruit fly males in vegetable as well as fruit crops. The population peaks of fruit flies were observed during July-August, coinciding with the fruit availability leading to highest fruit infestation in tomato, cucumber and peach during this period. The weather parameters viz. temperature, relative humidity and rainfall correlated positively with the fruit fly catch per trap in most of the cases. There was a highly positive correlation between fruit infestation and trap catch. Lambdacyhalothrin (0.04%) and spinosad (0.002%) proved best in managing fruit fly infestation in tomato, cucumber and peach crops. Under field condition, phloroglucinol proved effective in reducing the fruit infestation resulting in three times higher yield in comparison to control.en##Unable to generate tags pdf ph.d. thesis meena thakur.pdffruit flies, Bactrocera spp.,vegetables and fruitsPOPULATION MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT FLIES Bactrocera spp. INFESTING VEGETABLE AND FRUIT CROPSThesis