Kler, Tejdeep KaurSandaldeep Kaur2019-07-092019-07-092019http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810113448The present investigation was carried out to study abundance of Indian Peafowl, breeding biology, reproductive success and to evaluate management strategies in different study sites in Punjab from February 2016 to September 2018. The study has shown high relative abundance of Indian Peafowl at PAU campus and village Rauni which was due to habitat structure, scrub vegetation, tree diversity and food availability. The breeding period was recorded from March to end October in studied locations. The value of annual reproductive success was found to range from 0.67 to 0.80 during three breeding season. During entire study period, nest depth, radius of nest and nest circumference ranged from 2.5 to 5.5 cm, 7.0 to 15 cm and 43.96 to 94.20 cm respectively. Egg length, egg width and egg weight varied from 70.2 mm to 74.2 mm, 52.1 mm to 57.8 and 114.6 g to 123.5 g in three breeding seasons. Incubation period varied between 23.6 days to 26.5 days during three breeding seasons. Clutch size varied between 2 to 3 eggs at all selected locations. Observed nests were having shallow scrapped depression in ground whereas nesting material used by Indian Peahen was found to vary at different nesting sites. The chicks were observed having along with 1 or 2 females in crop fields involved in foraging activities for a period of one month. Different management methods i.e. bird protection net, jute rope, reflective ribbon were evaluated in mustard crop fields at ripening stage in replicates during Rabi season 2016-2017 and 2017-2018. The importance of Indian Peafowl in agro ecosystem from present work was worked out from two different perspectives, one as National Bird whose breeding sites should be protected and other aspect its depredation on oil seeds and vegetable crops should also be dealt with.ennullBreeding biology of Indian Peafowl (Pavo cristatus) and its managementThesis