R.N.SinghKiran Kumari2024-08-282024-08-282003https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810213928Marua feeding exhibited better nutrient utilization, higher growth rate, lower feed efficiency ratio, positive retention of N, Ca and P with lower cost per kg live weight gain without having any adverse affect on the animal. So marua can be economically used as an energy source of swine ation by replacing maize fully in practical standard ration for growing indigenous pigs. The addition of zinc upto 1.5 times of the NRC recommended level in the ration enhanced Zn level in the serum. However, it had no significant effect on biological performance of animals, skin lesions and incidence of diarrhoea.EnglishStudies On The Effect Of Marua (Eleusine Coracana) Based Diet And Added Zinc On Growth Performance, Skin Lesions And Enteritis In Indigenous Growing PigsThesis