Dr. K. D. AparnathiPATEL DEVESHKUMAR HARIBHAI2017-08-042017-08-042009http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810027348Annatto is a natural colour permitted for use in food products. The colour is obtained from annatto (Bixa orellana L.) seeds. The seed coat contains carotenoid pigments. The antioxidant/pro-oxidant action of carotenoids on lipid oxidation has been of interest in food lipids. Somewhat controversial reports are existing in the literature for effect of annatto colour on oxidative stability of food product. In India, two cultivars of annatto have been reported. One with white flowers and green pods (WFGP) and other one with pink flowers and red pods (PFRP). The differences in antioxidant potential between the two varieties are also not reported. Therefore, present study was planned to study the antioxidant potential of carotenoid pigments of annatto seeds obtained from these two varieties.enDairy ChemistryAnalysisANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF CAROTENOIDS IN ANNATTO (Bixa orellana L.) SEEDSThesis