Dr. D.K. SinghGIRIJESH YADAV2023-12-252023-12-252022https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810204392S. V. P. University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut-250110 (U. P.) Name of students : Girijesh Yadav Id No : PG/A-4900/19 Year of Admission : Ist sem. 2019 Degree : Ph.D. (Ag.) Major : Agricultural Extension and Communication Minor : Agronomy Topic : “A Study on Crop Residues Management Practices Using by the Farmers of Uttar Pradesh.” Advisor : Dr. D. K. Singh Department : Agril. Extension & Comm. Abstract The study was conducted in Western Uttar Pradesh during the year 2021-22 to find out the Socio personal characteristics of the farmers practice on crop residue management. In the study 180 farmers were selected as respondent. The independent variables such as age, caste, education, marital status, family type, etc were measured. Data were collected through structured personal interview schedule. The statistical methods and tests such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation etc. were used for analysis of data. The result of the data showed that the majority 33.89% of the farmers belonged to lower medium age group followed by higher medium age group, 68.33% farmers belonged to Other Backward Caste. The majority 26.67% of respondents were educated up to intermediate, 64.44% respondent were engaged in agriculture as their main occupation, 52.78% were having medium size (2-4 ha) of land holding, 84.44% were used private tube well for irrigation, and 11.67% respondents were having membership of only one social organization while 88.33% farmers were having no any kind of membership. In the study 82.22% respondents were getting information from KVK Scientist. The majority 63.89% of the respondents were having medium level of knowledge regarding crop residues management, 66.56% respondents were having medium level of Attitude regarding crop residues management. The study reveals that the maximum 70.00% respondents were followed medium level of practices under crop residues management. To found many constraints maximum 90.55% respondents faced more time consuming in crop residues management constraints followed 88.33% respondents were faced labour charge is high for crop residues management. The result of the correlation analysis revealed that the adoption of crop residues management practices was found to be positively and significantly correlated with their education, source of information, irrigation facilities, home appliances, farm implements, transports facilities, annual income at 1 % level of significance. Size of land holding, social participation was found to have positive and significant correlation at 5 % level of significance. The variable age and marital status was found to have negative correlation with adoption of crop residues management practices. However the rest of the variables, namely caste, type of family, size of family, type of house, occupation were found to be positive but non-significantly correlated with the adoption of crop residues management practices. (D. K. Singh) (Girijesh Yadav) Advisor AuthorEnglishA STUDY ON CROP RESIDUES MANAGEMENT PRACTICES USING BY THE FARMERS OF UTTAR PRADESHThesis