Shobhamani, B(MAJOR)Vaikunta Rao, VSubraymanyam, K.V.NARAYANA RAO, LENKA2019-07-112019-07-112019-01 present research was undertaken to study the incidence and diagnostic aspects, to record clinical signs and hemato-biochemical findings, to treat ehrlichiosis in dogs with suitable therapeutic regimen. 750 dogs were clinically examined of them 126 infested with ticks with an incidence rate of 16.8percent, out of the 126 dogs,50 dogs which exhibited clinical signs suggestive of ehrlichiosis were tested with different diagnostic methods. Out of 50 samples 3 (6%), 9 (18%),17 (34%) samples were detected as positive for ehrlichiosis by peripheral blood smear examination, buffy coat smear examination, nested PCR with overall incidence rate of 6 percent, 18 percent and 34 percent respectively. However among the 50 samples 10 randomly selected samples were subjected to Anigen Rapid E.canis Ab test kit, 3 (30%) samples positive for E,canis anti bodies. For determination of age, breed and gender wise incidence the PCR positive samples were taken into account. The breed wise incidence was 50,50,37.5,33.33,33.33,27.27,25 and 20 percent in pug, Belgian shepherd, German Shepherd, Rottweiler, Dachshund, Labrador Retriever, mongrel and Spitz/ Pomeranian respectively. Age wise incidence was studied in less than one year to above six years age grouped dogs, higher incidence rate (66.66%) was recorded in 1-2 years age group and the age wise incidence ranged from 25 to 36.66 percent .In male and female dogs the incidence was 38 and 26.31 percent respectively . The most frequently observed clinical signs ehrlichia infected dogs were tick infestation, anorexia, lymphadenopathy, pale mucosa, pyrexia, hemorrhagic tendencies (melena, petechial hemorrhages and epistaxis). Other less frequently observed signs were respiratory distress, edema, recumbency, emesis, and corneal opacity. Radiography and ultrasonography revealed that 35.29 percent dogs had internal organ changes like nodular interstitial lung pattern, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly and hepatomegaly with distended gallbladder, ascites, pericardial effusion and ascites. The haematobiochemical alterations in ehrlichia infected dogs includes, significant increase in mean total leukocyte, lymphocyte, granylocyte, ALT, ALP, BUN and creatinine as compared to control group. Whereas significant decrease was recorded in mean Hb, HCT, TEC and platelet count. However nonsignificant increase in globulin levels was also recorded. With regard to therapeutic efficacy the magnitude of improvement and reversal of normalcy in certain clinical and various haemato biochemical parameters was far greater after treatment with doxycycline (Doxypet) than imidocarb dipropionate (IMICARB).ennullCLINICO –DIAGNOSTIC AND THERAPEUTIC STUDIES ON EHRLICHIOSIS IN DOGSThesis