VASUDEVA, R.ABDUL HASEEB, MOHAMMED2019-09-142019-09-142001-08-13Th-6156 sources of Albizia lebbek from diverse bioclimatic zones of Kamataka, were evaluated for pod, seed and seedling parameters. Geographic sources differed significantly for all pod, seed, and seedling traits. Pods of Mysore provenance were longest, widest and had higher mass but seeds showed lowest germination (6.66%). Maximum germination (30.67%) and shoot length (5.85cm) were found in Bidar collections. Seedlings from Dharwad source exhibited higher number of leaves, higher shoot dry weight and moderate Shoot Vigour Index (SVI). The CV was highest for germination value (129.16%), and lowest for test weight (16.48%). Among seedling traits, CV was highest for RVI (46.80%). Broad sense heritability was highest for number of leaves/plant (0.795) and lowest for root dry weight per plant (0.20), the genetic gain was highest for peak germination value (65.93%). Pods with longer length, width and weight possessed higher test weight and weight of good seeds. Genotypes with higher germination possessed higher root length, shoot length and more number of leaves. Similarly, the seed sources with higher test weight produced longer roots, more number of leaves and higher shoot mass. This suggests that vigour expressed during seed germination may translate into higher biomass. Hence germination percentage can be relayed for selection of seedling height. Many pod traits strongly responded to rainfall than to any other geoclimatic feature. Seed germination, collar diameter and shoot dry weights were positively associated with mean annual rainfall. Principal Component Analysis identified that SVI, per cent seed germination and RVI contributed maximum to the divergence of the populations (66.53%). Based upon the fruit, seed and seedlings traits seven broad provenances of Albizia lebbek were identified, perhaps for the first time in Kamataka.ennullPROVENANCE VARIATION FOR FRUIT, SEED AND SEEDLING TRAITS IN Albizia lehbek L. (Benth.) FROM KARNATAKAThesis