RAVI KUMAR, K. N.SATISH KUMAR, CHITTAPULI2023-07-142023-07-142023-07-14D6364https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810198226MARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEM AND ITS APPLICATION FOR MINOR FOREST PRODUCE IN HIGH ALTITUDE AND TRIBAL AREA ZONE OF ANDHRA PRADESHIn High Altitude and Tribal (HAT) zone of Andhra Pradesh, Minor Forest Produce (MFP) is an important livelihood source for several communities, particularly those living in forest fringe villages. However, it is disheartening to note that until the last decade and half, the transactions of MFP in tribal areas has been very poor due to lack of necessary infrastructure and technology, especially Marketing Information System (MIS). So, by strengthening MIS, marketing of MFP becomes more transparent so that stakeholders can make informed choices about collection and sale decisions. Hence, the present research study on Marketing Information System and its application for Minor Forest Produce in High Altitude and Tribal Area Zone of Andhra Pradesh was considered for in depth investigation with a view to explore the existing MIS in HAT zone, pattern, dissemination and utilization of MIS by different stakeholders, growth trends in market arrivals and prices of selected MFP, determinants for strengthening MIS, market arrivals and prices of MFP, impact evaluation of MIS on prices realized for MFP, and need-based policy suggestions for effective implementation of MIS among stakeholders in HAT zone. MFP like hill broom (Thysanolaena maxima), honey, markingnut (Semecarpus anacardium), myrobalan (Terminalia chebula), naramamidi bark (Litsea deccanensis) and seeded tamarind (Tamarindus indica) were purposively selected for this study, as they together accounted for nearly 85 per cent share of total value of MFP procured by Girijan Primary Co-operative Marketing Societies (GPCMS) in the HAT zone of Andhra Pradesh (average of 2011-2018). A sample of 240 farmers from 20 shandies; 120 farmers from 10 xviii GPCMS, 120 traders and all the Managers working in GPCMSs and five Divisional Managers of Girijan Cooperative Corporation (GCC) are randomly selected to elicit requisite information. The major findings of the study revealed that 57 per cent of selected tribal farmers are women involved in collection and transacting MFP in HAT zone and remaining 43 per cent are men. Major source of market information to farmers and traders at village level and market level are SMS messages and display boards in Primary Procurement Centers (PPCs)/GPCMS respectively. Unlike farmers, traders are highly aware about prices, quality and grades of MFP. Compared to market arrivals, prices of selected MFP showed significant positive growth rates in GPCMS/PPCs. It was found interesting that the major influential factors for strengthening of infrastructure (MIS) in GPCMS/PPCs are arrivals and funds received from GCC for MFP in GPCMS/PPCs. Similarly, prices, timely market information and prompt payment of sales proceeds had shown significant influence on market arrivals of MFP in GPCMS/PPCs. Access to market information and availability of storage and investment on MIS in GPCMS/PPCs are the major influential factors for realizing higher prices to MFP. Propensity score matching technique revealed that MIS contributed to higher prices realized by the treated farmers compared to untreated counterpart for all the selected MFP. Mobile network issue is the top most prioritized constraint expressed by the tribal farmers in HAT zone. Formation of farmers cooperatives/FPOs, strengthening of wireless telecommunication infrastructure, improving road connectivity, strong coordination among Government departments like Integrated Tribal Development Agency (ITDA), GCC, Banks, Andhra Pradesh Forest Department etc., should deserve special attention to promote efficient transactions of MFP in HAT zone.EnglishMARKETING INFORMATION SYSTEM AND ITS APPLICATION FOR MINOR FOREST PRODUCE IN HIGH ALTITUDE AND TRIBAL AREA ZONE OF ANDHRA PRADESHThesis