G.C. MahantaJogendera Kumar Jha2024-08-292024-08-291961https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810214035Though the experiment has been conducted for only one year the following Conclusion can be drawn with a suggestion to continue the present research in Order to obtain more information in the line as discussed earlier . 1 The crop can be grown without much difficulty in this region with the dose of N at 160KgN/ ha and K at 80 Kg K2o/ha 2 The drop in sugar content due to high rate of N fertilization can be compensated with the tremendous increase in yields resulting in more gross sugar. Repetition of the investigation systematically with more levels of N. K. P seems justifies for future research.EnglishEffect of Nitrogen Phosphate And Potash Fertilization on The Growth Yield And Sugar Content of Sugar BeetThesis