Kumar, V. Ramesh SaravananMuralidharan, J.Ponnudurai, G.Suriya, M.TANUVAS2018-02-122018-02-122015http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810040848TNV_TH_2015_MVN13011At a global level, pig farming is growing and meets the protein needs of the people. But in India, the pig population is decreasing from 13.29 millions in the year 1997 to 11.13 millions in the year 2007.enVeterinary ScienceLivestock Production and ManagementEFFECTIVENESS OF DISINFECTION IN THE CONTROL OF HOUSE FLY (Musca domestica) POPULATION IN AN ORGANIZED PIG FARMThesis