Advisor: PAITHAINKAR, Dr. D. H.Authors: KHADSAN, YOGESH GAJANAN.2022-08-152022-08-152022-11-25Citation: KHADSAN, YOGESH GAJANAN. (2021). Studies on foliar applications of nano N and NAA on yield and quality of mandarin Department of Fruit Science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola. M. Sc. 2021. Print. xiii, 97p. (unpublished). The present investigation was conducted during Ambia bahar season 2019-20 at All India Coordinated Research Project on Fruits (Citrus), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola and analytical work was carried out at Analytical Laboratory, University Department of Fruit science, Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola during the year 2020. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) with eleven treatments and three replications.Abstract: A field experiment entitled “Studies on foliar applications of nano N and NAA on yield and quality of mandarin” was conducted at Research Field of All India Coordinated Research Project on Fruits (Citrus), Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola during Ambia season 2019 -2020. The objectives formulated as, to study the effect of foliar nano nitrogen and NAA on growth, yield and quality of mandarin and to find out suitable concentration of nano nitrogen alone and in combination with NAA for maximum yield and better quality of mandarin. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with Eleven treatment and three replications. The different treatments viz., T1 – (Urea 1 %), T2 –( NAA 10 ppm), T3 –( Nano N 10 ppm), T4 – (Nano N 15 ppm), T5 – (Nano N 20 ppm), T6 – (Nano N 25 ppm) T7—(Urea 1% + NAA 10 ppm), T8 – (Nano N 10 ppm + NAA 10 ppm), T9 – (Nano N 15 ppm + NAA 10 ppm), T10 – (Nano N 20 ppm + NAA 10 ppm), T11—(Nano N 25 ppm + NAA 10 ppm) were used in research programme. Two sprays of each treatment 1st spray at pea size and 2nd spray followed after one month. The results of present investigation indicated that treatment T10 (nano N 20 ppm + NAA 10 ppm) was most effective in checking the physiological fruit drop and recorded least fruit drop (314.67) that reflected in yield attributes (867.50 no of fruits/tree, weighing 113.10 kg/tree and 28.19 tonnes/ha). This treatment was at par with T9 (nano N 15 ppm + NAA 10 ppm) and T11 (nano N 25 ppm + NAA 10 ppm). However, maximum average weight, fruit length and fruit breadth were obtained with treatment T5 (nano N 20 ppm). In overall study of present investigation it was observed that the treatment comprised of T7 (Urea 1 % + NAA 10 ppm) accounted for maximum fruit juice percentage which was at par with T10 (nano N 20 ppm + NAA 10 ppm). The other biochemical parameters viz., TSS, acidity and ascorbic acid was found non significantly influenced irrespective of treatment. Thus study suggest effectiveness of very small concentration of nano N i.e. 20 ppm compare to the large quantity of urea in spray solution along with NAA 10 ppm.EnglishTitle: STUDIES ON FOLIAR APPLICATIONS OF NANO N AND NAA ON YIELD AND QUALITY OF MANDARINThesis