SHARMA, POOJAKANIKA2020-10-262020-10-262020-10 The present investigation, “Maximization of in vitro bulblet production in Lilium hybrids” was carried out at the Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Department of Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, Dr. YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Nauni, Solan (HP). Three Lilium hybrid i.e. ‘Tressor’, ‘Nashville’ and ‘Acapulco’ were selected for the studies. The maximum number of uncontaminated growing culture were observed when bulb scale was sterilized with NaOCl 3% for 30 min in all the Lilium hybrids and for the sterilization of the leaves explants the maximum number of uncontaminated growing culture were observed when sterilized with 3% NaOCl for 20 min was found to be the best. For culture establishment, MS medium supplemented with BA 1.5 mg/l + NAA 0.5mg/l was found best for earliest culture establishment and resulted in maximum number of bulblets/culture in all the three Lilium hybrids. For maximization of bulblet production, the best medium for earliest bulblet proliferation and generating maximum number of bulblets/culture was found to be MS medium containing BA 2.0mg/l and NAA 0.5mg/l. For increasing the size and weight of bulblets, MS medium was supplemented with BA 1.5mg/l, NAA 0.50 mg/l and added with 80g/l sucrose proved to be the most effective.EnglishMAXIMIZATION OF IN VITRO BULBLET PRODUCTION IN LILIUM HYBRIDSThesis