Danasamy, DNNagarajan, LSumathi, DShafiuzama, MAbhilash, STANUVAS2020-05-292020-05-292019-12http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810146654TNV_IJVS_2019_40(2)136-137Ultrasonographic study of the abdomen was performed on 3130 dogs spanning the period from June 2017 to June 2019. Out of the total number of dogs, 121 (3.86%) dogs were suffering from various gastrointestinal affections, which included intussusception (8.26%), gastritis (9.9%), inflammatory bowel disease (21.5%), impaction (21.5%), foreign body obstruction (26.4%), gastric dilatation (7.4%) and neoplasms (5.0%). It was concluded that ultrasonography was a useful aid in the diagnosis of different gastrointestinal tract affections.enUltrasonographic evaluation of gastrointestinal affections in dogsIndian Journal of Veterinary SurgeryArticle