DHIMAN, RAHULAMIT KUMAR2023-05-062023-05-062022-09https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197093ABSTRACT The present study was conducted to understand consumer behavior is crucial for effective marketing, helping managers identify appropriate people to target, design and communicate attractive offerings. The COVID-19 pandemic has upended life for individuals across the globe, from how we work to how we socialize and even how we shop? How has consumer behavior changed in light of COVID-19? What trends in consumer behavior and sentiments have been seen during develop in COVID Period? There are noticeable changes in consumers' purchasing behavior in addition to the online shift. The majority of respondents preferred to shop online once a month only, it could be because during the COVID-19 pandemic people were shopping for essentials. Consumers are more conscious of what they buy and more focused on obtaining value from purchases. The aim of this specific study is to understand the change and the factors affecting the shopping behavior of the consumer during the COVID pandemic. The proposed study has very vast significance since in today’s competitive arena it is very crucial for the companies to have the understanding about the needs and wants of the consumersEnglishONLINE SHOPPING BEHAVIOUR DURING COVID PANDEMIC: A STUDY ON STUDENTS OF DR. YASHWANT SINGH PARMAR UNIVERSITY OF HORTICULTURE AND FORESTRY, SOLAN (HP)Thesis