Bandyopadhyay, B.B.Singh, Shripal2019-09-302019-09-302019-08 present investigation was conducted at four different locations, Dehradun (date of sowing June 4, 2018), Ranichouri (date of sowing June 18, 2018) Pantnagar (June 15, 2018) and Majhera (June 6, 2018) during Kharif 2018. The experimental material comprised of 11 genotypes of finger millet viz., PFM-1 (check), PFM-2, PFM-3, PFM-4, PFM-5, PFM-6, PFM-7, PFM-8, PFM-9 (check), PFM-10, PFM-11. These genotypes were evaluated in a randomized block design with three replications and observations were recorded on fourteen characters, days to 50 percent flowering, plant height, number of tillers, number of heads, number of fingers, maximum, minimum, average temperature at flowering and maturity, rainfall at flowering and maturity and grain yield. Data were analysed for stability along with genetic variability, heritability, genetic advance, correlation and path coefficient using appropriate statistical methods. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes for all the characters in each location except number of head in (Dehradun, Pantnagar and Majhera), number of fingers (in Dehradun), number of tillers (in Pantnagar and Majhera). In general, PCV estimates were higher than the corresponding GCV estimates in all the four locations no significant differences in PCV and GCV observed in maximum, minimum and average, temperature at flowering and maturity, rainfall at flowering and maturity in all the four locations. The study of correlation revealed that rainfall and temperature played vital role in grain production an increase in degree days of temperature at flowering (i.e., vegetative growth) and low degree days at maturity (i.e., less duration of post-flowering growth supported grain production of finger millet at both locations I (Dehradun) and location II (Ranichouri). While an increase in maximum and average temperature at flowering and decrease in minimum temperature at maturity were found suitable for grain production of finger millet at Pantnagar condition and increase in maximum temperature at flowering, average temperature and rainfall at maturity favoured grain production in finger millet at Majhera. Path coefficient study revealed that variability in grain production could be explained satisfactorily by considering 13 component traits in all four locations. Pooled analysis of variance showed significant G×E interaction effect for days to 50 per cent flowering, plant height, number of head, number of finger per plant, average temperature at maturity, rain fall at maturity and grain yield. Stability analysis suggested that PFM-4 appeared as stable genotype, while PFM-3 performed well under the favourable environmental condition and PFM-9 was found stable but not usable for selection due to low mean values. Estimates of genetic parameters over all 4 locations suggested that plant height was contributed by additive gene effect whereas the rest characters were contributed by non-additive gene effect.ennullEvaluation of yield performance and stability analysis in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.)Thesis