. APARNA, BVASANTHA, K.2022-05-122022-05-122022-12-22d6132https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810184690STUDY ON PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF RABI JOWAR IN KURNOOL DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESHThe current study entitled “study on production and marketing of Rabi jowar in Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh” was undertaken to examine Kharif, Rabi and overall compound growth rates of area, production and productivity of jowar. To estimate costs and returns and to assess the resource use efficiency in cultivation of Rabi jowar. To identify different channels of marketing and to realize the efficient channel for marketing of Rabi jowar in Kurnool district and to evaluate the perception of farmer’s in production of Rabi jowar. The major jowar producing states are Maharashtra, Karnataka, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh. In Andhra Pradesh the purpose of selecting Kurnool district was, because of its highest area and production under Rabi jowar when compared to other districts. Selection of mandals and villages was made based on the criterion of maximum area under Rabi jowar. Probability proportionate sampling was employed to select the number of farmers from the selected villages and the total sample constitutes to 120. The selected villages were B. palli, Hussainapuram, Tangutur and Nandavaram in Banaganapalli, Koilakuntla, Peddakoperla, chinnakoperla and vallampadu in Koilakuntla, P. chintakunta, Kotakandukur, Allagadda and Bathaluru in Allagadda. The data regarding marketing of Rabi jowar was collected from commission agents, wholesalers cum processors and retailers. Both primary and secondary data was collected and considered in the study. Data required for the study were collected from various unpublished and published sources. The data for calculating growth rates covered a period of 18 years commencing from 2000-01 to 2017-18. Growth rates of Rabi jowar in India and Kurnool district were negative for area and production and positive in case of productivity, increase in yield was observed because of application of fertilizers, irrigation and use of high yielding varieties. The growth rates of area, production and productivity were significant in Kurnool district. In Andhra Pradesh all growth rates of Rabi jowar were positive. Human labour is the most influencing component among various factors involved in the production process. The total cost of cultivation of Rabi jowar per hectare was calculated as ₹ 53,657.14. Among the total costs 75.42 per cent was xi i i occupied by variable costs and remaining 24.57 per cent was occupied by fixed costs. Cultivation cost of Rabi jowar according to cost concepts were calculated and they were, cost A1₹35066.94, cost B1₹35919.14, cost B2₹47169.14, cost C1 ₹42404.14, cost C2 ₹53654.14 and finally cost C3 ₹59019.55. Gross returns from per hectare of Rabi jowar was ₹78,000 and net return was ₹24,342.86. Farm income measures were worked out per hectare of Rabi jowar. The farm business income was worked out as ₹42933.06. Family labour income and farm investment income were ₹30830.86 and ₹31082.65 respectively. When Returns per rupee of investment were worked out they stood at 0.41. The independent variables included in the function expressed above 76 per cent of variation in the production of sorghum output on the farms considered. The production elasticity of seeds remained non-significant which is not the same in case of other independent variables. The MVP/MFC ratios indicate that human labour was underutilized, tractor power was over utilized, fertilizers were over utilized and pesticides were underutilized. Three marketing channels were identified in the marketing of Rabi jowar in the study area. Total costs incurred in channel-I, channel-II and channel-III were ₹199, ₹ 254 and ₹ 278 respectively. Producer share in consumer rupee in channel-I, channel-II and channel-III were 88.08 per cent, 86.96 per cent and 84.49 per cent respectively. Channel-I was most efficient for marketing Rabi jowar in the district. The major constraint faced by the farmer’s during cultivation of Rabi jowar was inadequate and untimely rainfall during the period of harvesting (76.33), the second constraint was high wage rate (66.32), the third constraint faced by the farmer’s was high rate of fertilizers and pesticides (55.72). The major constraint faced by the farmer’s during marketing was lack of storage facilities (78.32), which resulted in distress sale. Second constraint faced by the farmer was difficulties in transportation (64.31), due to this reason farmer was forced to sell his produce in the village at low prices. Third constraint faced by the farmer was unstable prices (59.75), jowar fetches less price during post harvest period due to high arrivals of produce to market and later it increases.EnglishSTUDY ON PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF RABI JOWAR IN KURNOOL DISTRICT OF ANDHRA PRADESHThesis