S., JAGANATHN. C., SUSHMITHAT. R., GURUPRASADBALAKRISHNA GOWDAS., MOHAN KUMARS., ANIL KUMAR2021-08-242021-08-242015-07UHS13PGM392https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810174349Guava (Psidium guajava L.) is one of the most popular fruit crops cultivated all over India. It is the fourth most important fruit crop in area and production which shows its commercial importance for cultivation. In guava the nutrient disorders are very common that can be minimized by foliar nutrition, which improves quick absorption, utilization and avoiding losses due to leaching. The present experiment was carried out on uniform, healthy, four year old trees of guava during the year 2014-15 at Regional Horticultural Research and Extension Centre, Bengaluru to study the “Effect of foliar application of secondary and micronutrients on growth, yield and quality of Guava (Psidium guajava L.) cv. Allahabad Safeda”. It was observed that the treatment which received RDF+ foliar spray of Zn+Mg+Mn @ 0.75 % + Cu +Fe @ 0.5% + MAP 0.5% recorded the maximum growth parameters such as plant height (238.20 cm), shoot length (25.53 cm), leaf area (56.36 sq. cm), at 240 days after spray along with improved yield parameters like number of flower buds per shoot (5.63), number of fruitset per shoot (4.33) and yield per plant (15.57 kg). The quality parameters of fruits such as TSS (13.63 0Brix), total sugar (9.51 %), reducing sugars (3.58 %), ascorbic acid content (227.97 mg /100 g), pectin (0.94 %) and shelf-life (9.66 days) of fruits significantly improved along with minimum physiological weight loss (6.02 %) and acidity (0.36 %), followed by improved leaf nutrient status was recorded with the same treatment.EnglishEFFECT OF FOLIAR APPLICATION OF SECONDARY AND MICRONUTRIENTS ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF GUAVA (Psidium guajava L.) cv. ALLAHABAD SAFEDAThesis