M. N. VENKATARAMANANISHANTH, R.2023-05-092023-05-092023-02-17Th-13597https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810197172The present study was undertaken in rural and urban districts of Bengaluru and was conducted for two major vegetables in the study area which are tomato and beans. A sample of 120 farmers of which 30 each were members and non-members of were interviewed FPCs for each vegetable, within the jurisdiction of Rajaghatta Horticulture Farmer Producer Company and Anekal Horticulture Farmer Producer Company. The findings of the study have shown that members incurred 8.54 per cent lower cost and realized 28.63 per cent higher net returns than non-members for cultivation of tomato. Whereas for cultivation of beans, members incurred 8.97 per cent lower cost and realized 30.38 per cent higher net returns than nonmembers. The findings on resource use efficiency have shown that manures and mulching material were underutilized by both members and non-members whereas fertilizer, staking sticks and thread were underutilized by non-members for cultivation of tomato. While for cultivation of beans, fertilizer was underutilized by members whereas seeds and machine labour were underutilized by non-members. The producer share in consumer rupee was highest for marketing tomato by non-members (61%) through street hawkers whereas, it was 56 per cent for members which was higher than other channels of non-members. For marketing of beans, producer share in consumer rupee was highest through FPC (77%) as compared to non-members (70%). One of the marketing constraints faced by FPCs, lack of storage infrastructure ranked highest among all the constraints. Hence, members owning and transacting with FPCs will further enhance their income.EnglishECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS OF FARMER PRODUCER COMPANIES ON PRODUCTION AND MARKETING OF VEGETABLES IN RURAL AND URBAN DISTRICTS OF BENGALURUThesis