Dr. K. D. AparnathiGAJJAR, SUNIL ISHVARBHAI2017-02-272017-02-272014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810002725The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India are in the process of revising standards of milk and for that they require to generate standard database on milk and milk products. The data on chemical composition, physico-chemical properties and related information of milk of various species and breed of animals are lacking. Therefore, there is a need to undertake systematic study to generate detailed data on compositional aspects of milk from various breeds of cow and buffalo. This work will provide basic database for compositional aspects, physico-chemical properties and nitrogen distribution pattern in milk of Kankrej cow and Surti buffalo. In view of the above resume, the study was conducted on Kankrej and Surti buffalo milk for analysis gross chemical composition, selected physico-chemical properties and nitrogen distribution.endairy science, dairy chemistryEvaluationEVALUATION OF MILK FROM KANKREJ COW AND SURTI BUFFALO FOR COMPOSITION, PHYSICO-CHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND NITROGEN DISTRIBUTIONThesis