Behura, D.Mohapatra, Sagar2017-11-172017-11-172017-11TH-4881 study is based on primary data collected from 226 farm households of five districts of Chhattisgarh following stratified random sampling procedure. This study examines socio-economic profile of SRI farmers and their views on SRI and its impact on rice production and productivity in Chhattisgarh. Analysis shows that preference for SRI technique in rice is higher among male farmers than those of female. Literate farmers have more preference for SRI. Increase in literacy among farmers can improve agriculture productivity in Chhattisgarh. The analysis finds significant increase in productivity of rice among SRI practicing farmers. However, limitations reported by the farmers include labor intensive nature of SRI, shortage of skilled labor and lack of machine diversifications for lower adoption of SRI among rice farmers.ennullA STUDY ON SOCIO-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ADOPTION AND DISSEMINATION OF SYSTEM OF RICE INTENSIFICATION (SRI) IN CHHATTISGARHThesis