Shankaranarayana, V.CHAITANYA, S.2017-06-272017-06-272009-07-15Th-9483 experim ent w as conducted during k h arif 2007 on red sandy loam soil (A lfis o ls ) at Agricu ltu ral Research Station, U niversity o f A gricultural Sciences (B angalore), Chintamani, to study the effect o f pre and post em ergen ce herbicides on kharif groundnut. T h e experiment was laid out in random ized com plete block design w ith three replications. There w ere totally 8 treatment combinations com prising o f different w eed management practices including farmers practice,pre em ergence application o f pendimethalin @ 1.0 k g ai h a'1 along w ith post em ergence applications o f qu izalofop ethyl @ 5 0 g ai h a'1 and im azethapyr @ 7 5 g ai h a'1. A m o n g the herbicidal treatments pre-em ergence application o f pendimethalin at 1.0 kg a.i h a'1 in com bination w ith post em ergence application o f qu izalofop ethyl at 50 g a.i. h a'1 recorded significantly low er weed population and dry matter and better crop grow th. R egarding the yield , pre-em ergence application o f pendimethalin at 1.0 k g a.i ha'1 in com bination with post em ergence application o f qu izalofop ethyl at 50 g a.i. h a'1 recorded significantly higher pod y ield (1531 kg h a'1) and a better benefit cost ratio (2 .43 ) as com pared to other treatments. T h e practical inference o f the experiment w ere that the chem ical w eed control by the pre em ergence application o f pendimethalin @ 1 .0 kg ai h a'1 and post em ergence spray o f qu izalofop ethyl @ 50 g a.i h a'1 or im azethapyr @ 7 5 a.i ha'1 al 25 D A S o f groundnut in the k h arif season controlled weeds e ffe c tiv e ly and significantly increased the y ield o f groundnut with substantial increase in the cost o f cultivation com pared to farmers practice.ennullSTUDIES ON CHEMICAL WEED MANAGEMENT IN KHARIF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea.h)Thesis