Bhogal, T.S.Thorat, Vishal Shankar2020-06-132020-06-132009-06 is one of the most important fruit crops of the world and contains many of the valuable ingredients necessary for life. It is also one of the important horticultural crops grown in India. Exports are must for economic growth of any country. The grape export from India was started in the year 1991 after economic liberalization. Total area under grape in India is 63700 ha. with production of 1667.7 thousand tonnes and export of about 85897.78 tonnes (5.15 per cent of total production) in the year 2006-07. Maharashtra, Karnataka, Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh are major grape producing states. The total area under grape in the world is around 75 lakh ha. with a production of 66.27 million tonnes (2006-07). Major grape exporting countries are Chile, South Africa, Spain, Italy, France etc. The present study was undertaken primarily to analyze India‟s performance in production, productivity and export of grapes with different dynamics. Growth rates in relation to area, production, yield and export of grapes were measured by using exponential function. Direction of grape export was analyzed by calculating the share of Indian grapes in the import of major grape importing countries of the world vis a vis share of other grape exporting countries. Export competitiveness of grape for the country has been assessed by using Nominal Protection Coefficient (NPC). Garrett‟s ranking technique was used to study the problems faced by grape growers in production and marketing as well as that of by exporters in grape export. The results of the study showed that area, production and yield of grapes increased in all major producing states and India as a whole except in Andhra Pradesh. The export of grapes from India increased over the years and Netherlands and Bangladesh were the major growing markets for Indian grapes. Growth in export to UK, UAE and other countries also showed positive trend. Chile and South Africa were major exporters of grape to the world. Preference to Indian grapes in developed countries was low. The Nominal Protection Coefficient (NCP) for grape ranged from 0.269 to 0.539 indicating highly price competitiveness of Indian grapes in international market. The major problems faced by grape growers in production were inadequate supply of manures and fertilizers and high price/non-availability of plant protection chemicals. Problems faced in marketing of grapes were Unremunerative prices and price fluctuation for market. Problems faced by grape exporters were poor preference to Indian grapes in the world market and lack of demand from importing countries in current year due to recession. In the light of results obtained, there is need of improvement in production technique and thereby quality of grapes to boost our international trade.ennullDynamics of area, production and export of grapes in IndiaThesis