Mishra, A.C.Shah, Imamuddin2022-02-032022-02-032021-09-23Imamuddin Shah 2021. EFFECT OF ROW-SPACINGS AND MICRONUTRIENTS ON SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF PALAK (Beta vulgaris var. bengalensis L.). M.Sc. Thesis. 67p.https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810181606The present investigation entitled "Effect of row-spacings and micronutrients on seed yield and quality of palak (Beta vulgaris var. bengalensis L.)” was conducted during Rabi (OctoberMarch) season of 2020-21 at Vegetable Research Farm of College of Horticulture, Banda University of Agriculture and Technology, Banda. The experiment was laid out in a Factorial Randomize Block Design with two factors viz., row-spacings (S) and micronutrient applications (M). The first factor i.e. row-spacings included 30x10 cm (Si), 40x10 cm (S2) & 50x10 cm (S3) whereas, the second factor i.e. micronutrient application included four treatments viz., without micronutrients (Mo), Zink Sulphate Monohydrate (33% Zn+15% S) @ 20kg/ha (Mi), Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate (20% B) @ 20kg/ha (M2) and equal quantity of each Zink Sulphate Monohydrate (33% Zn+15% S), Disodium Octaborate Tetrahydrate (20% B) and a commercial formulation containing 6.0% Zn, 3.0% Fe, 0.5% Cu and 1.5% Mn @10kg/ha (M3) in variety of All Green'. The treatments under both the factors were applied in all possible combinations in three replications. The data were recorded on plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, leaf area (cm2), dry weight of plants (g) days to 50 per cent flowering (days after sowing, DAS) number of spikes per plant, spike length (cm), spikelet length (cm), 100 seed weight (g), seed yield (q/ha) germination percentage, seedling shoot length (cm), seedling root length (cm), total seedling length (cm), seedling dry weight (mg), seedling vigour index I and seedling vigour index II. Results indicated that row-spacing of 50x10 cm recorded maximum values for plant height, number of leaves per plant, dry weight of plants, days to 50% of flowering, number of spikes per plant, spike length, spikelet length, 100 seed weight, seedling shoot length, seedling root length, total seedling length, seedling dry weight, seedling vigour index-I and seedling vigour index-II. Maximum seed yield was found in closest row-spacing of 30x10 cm. Germination percentage was noted at par at 40x10 cm and 50x10 cm row-spacings which was significantly higher than that in 30x10 cm row-spacing. Among the micronutrients, M2 registered maximum values for plant height, dry weight of plants, leaf area, days to 50% of flowering, number of spikes per plant, spike and spikelet length, seed yield and germination percentage. The treatment M3 showed second highest germination percentage and highest seedling shoot length, seedling root length, total seedling length, seedling dry weight, seedling vigour index I and seedling vigour index II. In the view of high seed yield and seed quality parameters simultaneously, promising treatment combinations were S2M), S2M2 and S3M3. Correlation coefficient values indicated that seed yield showed either negative or non-significant positive correlation with all the plant growth, seed yield and seed quality parameters. Contrarily, the principal seed quality parameter i.e., germination percentage exhibited significant and positive correlation with most of characters viz., plant height, dry weight of plants and days to 50% flowering, number of spikes per plant, spike length, spikelet length and 100 seed weight, seedling shoot length, seedling root length, total seedling length, seedling dry weight, seedling vigour index-I and seedling vigour index-II.EnglishEFFECT OF ROW-SPACINGS AND MICRONUTRIENTS ON SEED YIELD AND QUALITY OF PALAK (Beta vulgaris var. bengalensis L.)Thesis