Saravanan, MSivakumar, MYogeshpriya, SVeeraselvam, M; et al.TANUVAS2020-07-282020-07-282017-10 3.5years old Male Doberman Pinscher dog was brought to the Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, VCR] Orathanadu with the history 0/‘snake bite. Dog showed the signs ofsalivation, edematous swelling on theface,jaw and below the neck region. Pet owner brought the dead snake and identified it as Russels Viper. Fang mark noticed on the right upper maxillary area. Blood was not clotted even after 2 hrs ofcollection. Hematology revealed leukocytosis, neutrophilia and monacytosis. Based on history and observation the present case was confirmed as Russels Viper envenomatian in a Doberman pincer dog. The dog was treated with pub/valent anti- snake venom along with tetanus tuxuid, antibiotic and fluid therapy. The dog had uneventful reeoveryfrom venom envenomation.enVeterinary ScienceRussells Viper Envenomation in Doberman Pinscher and its Therapeutic Management: A Case ReportBulletin of Environment, Pharmacology and Life SciencesArticle