Dr. A. N. MakwanaC. O. Lashkari2017-03-282017-03-282004-08http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810006344The present investigation entitled “Response of zinc and iron on growth, yield and quality of cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis Linn.) cv. Snowball-16” was conducted during Rabi season (November to March) of the year, 2002-2003 at Agronomy Research Farm, College of Agriculture, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh. The experiment was laid out in Factorial Randomized Block Design with four replications and nine treatment combinations, considering three levels of zinc (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%) and three levels of iron (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%) applied as foliar sprays at 30 and 60 days after transplanting. The treatment combinations were comprised as (1) Fe0Zn0 (control or water spray) (2) Fe0Zn1 (FeSO4 0.0% + ZnSO4 0.5%) (3) Fe0Zn2 (FeSO4 0.0% + ZnSO4 1.0%) (4) Fe1Zn0 (FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 0.0%) (5) Fe1Zn1 (FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 0.5%) (6) Fe1Zn2 (FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 1.0%) (7) Fe2Zn0 (FeSO4 1.0% + ZnSO4 0.0%) (8) Fe2Zn1 (FeSO4 1.0% + ZnSO4 0.5%) (9) Fe2Zn2 (FeSO4 1.0% + ZnSO4 1.0%). Among different levels of zinc (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%), Zn1 (ZnSO4 0.5%) significantly increased plant height (52.70 cm), number of leaves (37.94) leaf area (272.02 cm2), diameter of curd (15.56 cm), volume of curd (373.33 cm2), weight of curd per plant (504.99 gm), average weight of curd per plot (20.20 kg), curd yield (374.07 q/ha), marketable yield (337.03 q/ha), biological yield per plant (1.41 kg) and ascorbic acid content (65.36 mg/100gm) and also decreased the days taken for curd initiation (62.42 days) and curd maturity (87.58 days) over control while total soluble solids (7.00%) remained unaffected by the different levels of zinc (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%) over control. Among different levels of iron (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%), Fe1 (FeSO4 0.5%) significantly increased plant height (53.19 cm), number of leaves (38.63), leaf area (273.05 cm2), diameter of curd (15.64 cm), volume of curd (375.07 cm3), weight of curd per plant (507.64 gm), average weight of curd per plot (20.31 kg), curd yield (376.03 q/ha), marketable yield (338.99 q/ha) and ascorbic acid content (65.72 mg/100gm) and also decreased the days taken for curd initiation (62.58 days) and curd maturity (87.75 days) over control while biological yield (1.36 kg) and total soluble solids (7.20%) remained unaffected by the different levels of iron (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%) over control. Among all the interactions of zinc and iron levels, Fe1Zn1 (FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 0.5%) significantly obtained highest plant height (56.56 cm), number of leaves (41.97), leaf area (281.25 cm2), diameter of curd (16.58cm), volume of curd (390.87 cm3), weight of curd per plant (554.15gm), average weight of curd per plot (22.17 kg), curd yield (410.48q/ha), marketable yield (373.44 q/ha), biological yield per plant (1.44kg) and ascorbic acid content (74.50 mg/100gm) over control while curd initiation (58.25 days) and curd maturity (83.75 days) as well as total soluble solids (7.37 %) remained unaffected by all the interactions of zinc and iron levels over control. The economic point of view, Zn1 (ZnSO4 0.5%) obtained maximum marketable yield (337.03 q/ha) with net income (133283.66/- Rs/ha) along with net CBR (1:3.78) among different levels of zinc (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%). While Fe1 (FeSO4 0.5%) obtained maximum marketable yield (338.99 q/ha) with net income (134268.33/- Rs/ha) along with net CBR (1:3.81) among different levels of iron (0.0, 0.5 & 1.0%). But the interaction Fe1Zn1 (FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 0.5%) obtained highest marketable yield (373.44 q/ha) with highest net income (151490.00/- Rs/ha) along with highest net CBR (1:4.30) among all the interactions of zinc and iron levels followed by Fe1Zn2 (FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 1.0%) 1:3.97 and Fe0Zn1 (FeSO4 0.0% + ZnSO4 0.5%) 1:3.80 over control (1:1.33). Thus, in order to obtain best growth, yield and quality along with highest net income and net CBR from cauliflower crop, the combine foliar application of FeSO4 0.5% + ZnSO4 0.5% at 30 and 60 days after transplanting was found most beneficial and economical.enHorti“RESPONSE OF ZINC AND IRON ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF CAULIFLOWER (Brassica oleracea var. Botrytis Linn.) CV. SNOWBALL-16”.Thesis