Dr. Radhalcrishnan T.Bosamia Tejas Chimanlal2020-06-062020-06-062015-03http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810147123Availability of polymorphic markers in a crop species is a prerequisite for genetic improvement through marker-assisted selection, construction of high density genetic linkage map and mapping of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL). Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are widely employed in molecular breeding programmes and thus are needed to be developed and validated. Conventional methods for developing SSR markers are laborious and expensive. The alternative and cost effective way is to explore the existing public databases harboring abundant number of genomic and genie (expressed sequence tag, EST) sequences for the development of new SSR markers. The SSR markers developed from ESTs leverages functional aspect of transcripts and thus associated with its function. Insufficient number of polymorphic molecular markers is an obstacle for current molecular breeding research in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.), an important legume grain as well as oilseed cash crop of the semi-arid tropics. It becomes exceedingly essential to develop more number of polymorphic SSR markers for potential use in groundnut improvement. Therefore, the present study was carried out to develop EST-SSRs from publically available groundnut EST resources. In the present study, a total of 178490 EST sequences of Arachis hypogaea ^ere downloaded from NCBI public databases and pre-processed for assembling. In order to find novel non-redundant EST-SSR markers, 7170 publically available SSR primer sequences were subjected to sequence similarity search with the downloaded EST sequences. A total of 23696 (13.28%) very similar sequences were excluded and the remaining non-redundant sequences (154794) were further pre-processed for removai of low corapiexity sequences, poiy A and poly T tail and vector sequences. A total of 138628 high quality sequences were assembled using TGICL software, which yielded 16424 unigenes comprising of 13428 (81.76%) contigs and 2995 (18.24%) singletons with an average length of 857 bp and N50 value of 942 bases. The assembly by TGICL software reduced the redundancy by 82.21% A total of 2784 sequences were indentifled from unigenes which harbored 3373 SSR motifs The number of sequences harboring more than one SSR was 487 (17.49%) and 289 (10.38%) sequences comprised of compound SSRs. The avemge frequency of SSR was found to be one in 4.17 kb which was relatively higher frequency than previous reports in groundnut.enDEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION OF EST DERTVED SSR MARKERS WITH FUNCTIONAL RELEVENCE TO BIOTIC AND ABIOTIC STRESS RESPONSES IN GROUNDNUT 1980Thesis