Balakrishnan GSaravanabava KGopalakrishnamurthy TRTANUVAS2024-08-052024-08-052005 is primarily an infectious disease of ruminants particularly sheep and goats caused by Clostridium perfingens. It is worldwide in distribution and is prevalent in all sheep and goat rearing countries. In India, it has been reported by Barron (1942) and Chattopadhyay and Harbola (1988) in goats. In sheep, it has been reported by Chattopadhyay and (1972). In Tamil Nadu, an outbreak of caprine enterotoxaemia has been reported for the first time in January, 1997 by Prabhakar et al.. (1999).EnglishA NOTE ON THE ISOLATION OF CLOSTRIDIUM PERFRINGENS IN SHEEPIndian Veterinary JournalArticle