Prakash, S SNiranjana, H G2019-07-112019-07-112004No. of references 114"Field and laboratory experiment were conducted at Agriculture College Farm, Raichur, Kamataka during, kharif 2003 to study the effect of micronutrient seed treatment on growth and yield of groundnut (Cv.KRG-1). Laboratory studies were conducted to fix the tolerance limits of B, Zn and Mo for seed treatment. The results indicated that seed treatment with B beyond 1 g kg""' seed and Zn and Mo beyond 4 g kg""' seed decreased germination percentage, plant height and root length. Based on these results rates of micronutrients seed treatment was fixed for the field experiment. Field experiment was conducted with 18 treatments of different combination of B (Ig kg''), Zn (2 and 4 g kg'') and Mo (2 and 4 g kg''). The results indicated that yield of groundnut increased significantly due to seed treatment with Zn @ 4 g kg'' + Mo @ 2 g kg""' (24.99 q ha'') over control (19.66 q ha''). However the yield obtained in the above treatment was statistically on par with those obtained with Zn + Mo and Zn + Mo + B treatments. The extent of increase in the yield over control was 27.11 per cent. The increase in seed yield was attributed to increase in number of leaves, nimiber of branches, root length, number of effective nodules and nutrient absorption, as a consequence of supply of limiting nutrient like Zn and nutrient essential for enhancing N fixation like Mo in combination. The cost benefit ratio of the treatment receiving Zn ( 4 g) + Mo (2 g) suggested that groundnut yield can be increased by seed treatment with Zn @ 4 g kg' and Mo 2 g kg""'. The nutrient concentration and uptake was significantly enhanced due to seed treatment with Zn (4 g kg'' seed) and Mo (2 g kg'' seed)."ennullEFFECT OF MICRONUTRIENTS |B, Zn AND Mo) SEED TREATMENT ON GROWTH AND YIELD OF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.)Thesis