Maurya, S.K.Chauhan, Digvijay Singh2019-07-222019-07-222019-06 present investigation was undertaken to determine heterosis and combining ability in sponge gourd. The experiment was laid out in RBD with three replications. The evaluation was done during spring-summer season of 2019 for 12 horticultural traits namely days to first male flower, days to first female flower, node number to first male flower, node number to first female flower, days to first fruit harvest, main vine length (m), number of primary branches, average fruit weight (g), fruit length (cm), fruit diameter (cm), number of fruits per plant, fruit yield (q/ha). The analysis of variance indicated significant difference among all the genotypes for all the characters. Variance due to gca were significant for all characters except for days to first female flower and number of primary branches. Variance due to sca was significant for all characters. On the basis of basis gca effect the parents identified as promisingly were PSG-40 for five characters days to first male flower (-1.52), node number to first female flower (-1.89), main vine length (0.25), number of fruits per plant (0.83), fruit yield (7.64) and PSG-37 for four characters days to first female flower (-2.01), main vine length (0.08) , number of primary branches (0.28), number of fruits per plant (0.57). The crosses PSG-15 × PSG-40, PSG-37 × PSG-40 and PSG-84 × PSG-17 were found to be the best heterotic combinations along with best sca effects for most of the important economic traits and are worth exploiting on commercial scale. These crosses yielded 86.36 q/h, 79.48 q/ha and 75.10 q/ha as compared to the 56.63 q/ha of the standard check variety Pant Chikni Torai-1.ennullHybrid breeding in sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrica Roem.)Thesis