Dr. JAVAREGOWDASEEMA KAMATEKAR2017-12-182017-12-182014-08http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810037766Species diversity of Tropical Fruit Tree (TFT), mango and jackfruit varietal diversity in home-garden and farmlands, its associated Indigenous Traditional Knowledge (ITK) documentation of two typical villages each in two bioclimatic zones of Uttara Kannada district in Karnataka was studied. Using a structured questionnaire, total of 80 household survey in up-ghat and coastal zone. A total of 41 species were recorded from both villages, among a total of 1876 individuals belonging to 28 species of Tropical Fruit trees were recorded in home-gardens and farm lands. Cashew was the predominantly found followed by mango and jackfruit. Home-gardens of both up-ghat and coastal zone are the major production of Tropical fruit trees. The value of Shannon’s index was higher for up-ghat village (2.484) when compared to the coastal village (1.638) suggesting that the farmland and home garden of the up-ghat zone recorded higher as well as more evenly-distributed diversity compared to the coastal zone. The up-ghat recorded higher diversity of mango (203 varieties) and jackfruit (269 varieties) then coastal zone. Traditional knowledge related to management of insect pest, total 14 ITK from two biological zones was recorded, mango was recorded highest ITK practices. A total 19 TFT species had been used in culinary and its associated with total 43 ITK had documented, for medicinal purpose total 11 TFT species and total 20 ITK had been documented, for processing and preservation total seven TFT species used and total 14 ITK was documented and total seven TFT species related nine ITK was documented for nursery and maintenance of TFT.ennullDOCUMENTATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF TROPICAL FRUIT TREE GENETIC RESOURCES AND ASSOCIATED INDIGENOUS TRADITIONAL KNOWLEDGE IN COASTAL AND UP-GHAT REGIONS OF UTTARA KANNADA, CENTRAL WESTERN GHATSThesis