Dr. G. V. MarviyaMs. UmaretiyaVidisha R.2018-08-302018-08-302018-07http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810070106The present investigation on “Molecular characterization of garlic (Allium sativum L.) genotypes differ in total soluble solid content” was conducted at Department of Biotechnology, Junagadh Agricultural University, Junagadh with objectives toanalyze different garlic genotypes for proximate and total soluble solid content, molecular diversity based on total soluble solid content using various PCR based molecular markers viz. Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA(RAPD), Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSRs) and Simple Sequence Repeats (SSRs) as well as to find out the phylogenic relationship among different garlic genotypes. Twenty one genotypes were selected for study based on their total soluble solid content. Among twenty one genotypes, 10 had high soluble solid content and 11 were with low soluble solid content and mean values ranged between 46.17°Brix (RGP-270) to 36.43°Brix (RGP-474). The highest value for total sugar content and reducing sugar content were observed in the genotype with RGP-1 with 6.66 and 4.46 mg %, respectively while, the lowest values for total sugar content and reducing sugar content were recorded in the genotype RGP-7 with 2.19 and 1.05 mg %, respectively. Non-reducing sugar content was ranged between 1.14 mg % (RGP-7 and RGP-224) to 4.01 mg % (RGP-270). True protein and crude protein were observed maximum with 5.39 mg % and 10.43% in the genotypes RGP-224 and RGP-585, respectively while, minimum values for these both were observed with 1.11 mg % (RGP-513) and 6.83 % (RGP-3), respectively. Dry matter was varied between 44.14% (RGP-513) to 35.61% (RGP-278). Total moisture content was observed between 64.38% (RGP-278) to 55.86% (RGP-513). Ash content was ranged from 6.92% (RGP-3) to 3.05 % (RGP- 491). Maximum crude fat content was recorded in the genotype RGP-114 with 0.592% while, the minimum (0.112%) was in the genotype RGP-276. Abstract Total 15 RAPD primers generated 84 bands in which all 84 bands were polymorphic having 82 shared and 2 unique bands with an average of 5.6 bands and 100% polymorphism per primer. The RAPD primers augmented fragment size ranged from 128bp in primer OPP-05 to 3781bp in primer OPO-07. The 18 ISSR primers engendered 87 bands in which all 87 bands were polymorphic with 84 shared and 3 unique bands and had 100% polymorphism with an average of 4.83 bands per primer. The amplified fragments were in range of 158bp in UBC-872 to 4757bp in UBC-824. No any RAPD or ISSR primers gave monomorphic band. Total 12 SSR primers generated the 13 fragments in which all bands were polymorphic shared except primer SSR-13, which gave only one monomorphic band with 91.66% polymorphism with an average of 1 band per primer. Size of SSR primer amplified fragments were in the range of 140bp in SSR-13 to 616bp in SSR-14. An average polymorphism information content (PIC) value for RAPD primer, ISSR primer and SSR primer were 0.77, 0.69 and 0.04, respectively. Primer index for RAPD, ISSR and SSR were 4.35, 3.52 and 0.08 respectively. The similarity coefficient of clusters analysis was ranged from 21 to 49 % for RAPD, 44 to 60% for ISSR and 49 to 75% for SSR. Dendrogram construction of all these molecular markers showed that in RAPD and ISSR, RGP-602 genotype of garlic was the most diversified genotype observed having alone separate position in cluster- II. In SSR marker, RGP-560 and RGP-607 was diversified genotype in cluster-II, which was the same genotype observed as most diversified with SSR markers. The pooled analysis study of RAPD, ISSR and SSR generated clustering pattern which was to be similar as RAPD and ISSR clustering pattern. The data generated from the present study may be useful for the identification of the genetic diversity among garlic genotypes which could be further utilized for molecular breeding and marker assisted selection in crop improvement programs. Key words: Garlic, Genetic diversity, Molecular markers, Proximate parameters.enBIOTECHNOLOGY“MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF GARLIC (Allium sativum L.) GENOTYPES DIFFER IN TOTAL SOLUBLE SOLID CONTENT”Thesis