R. M. SatasiyaPRIYANKA PRIYADARSHINI2021-07-072021-07-072019-05https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810170213A field experiment was conducted in order to study the cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) yield response to plastic mulch, irrigation methods and levels during summer 2018 at the farm of Renewable Energy Engineering Department, Junagadh. The effect of three irrigation levels viz.; 1.0 ETc (I1), 0.8 ETc (I2) and 0.6 ETc (I3) in combination with four cultivation practices; silver black plastic mulch (M1), no mulch (M2), flat bed with drip irrigation (M3) and border irrigation (M4) were studied on crop growth and yield response. The experiment was laid out in large plot technique taking twelve treatment combinations replicated thrice with irrigation levels as the main plot factor and cultivation practices as the subplot factor. The influence of these factors on summer cucumber was analysed in terms of weed intensity, dry weight of weed per m2 , no. of days for germination, germination percentage, vine length, no. of nodes per plant, no. of fruits per plant, weight of fruits per plant, dimensions of fruit (length and diameter), crop yield per hectare, water use efficiency, water footprint and economics. Results revealed that irrigation levels and cultivation practices significantly influenced weed intensity, dry weight of weed, vine length, no. of nodes per plant, no. of fruits per plant, fruit diameter and yield per hectare. The effect of irrigation levels and cultivation practices on germination days, germination percentage and fruit length were found non-significant. Weed intensity and dry weight of weed were recorded lowest in 0.6 ETc with silver black plastic mulch. The treatment combination of 0.8 ETc with silver black plastic mulch resulted in maximum vine length (195.33 cm), nodes per plant (59.33 nos), fruits per plant (26.33 nos), weight of fruits per plant (286.93 g), length of fruit (326.70 mm), diameter of fruit (46.67 mm), crop yield (22543.33 kg/ha), water use efficiency (78.62 kg/ha-mm), benefit cost ratio (3.55) and minimum water footprint (127.19 l/kg). Overall it could be concluded that 0.8 ETc irrigation level along with silver black plastic mulch was found most economical and obtained highest crop yield of summer cucumber with best water use efficiency.EnglishCUCUMBER (Cucumis sativus L.) YIELD RESPONSE TO PLASTIC MULCH, IRRIGATION METHODS AND LEVELS 2906Thesis