Machi Raju, M.SLAKSHMI PRASANNA, P.A2017-02-062017-02-061992 present study entitled "JAGGERY PRODUCTION AND MARKETING VIS-A-VIS SUGARCANE SUPPLY TO FACTORIES IN CHITTOOR DISTRICT OF A.P- AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS" was taken up with the objectives of evaluating costs, returns, profits, input use efficiency, costoutput relationship in sugarcane and j aggery production, and to identify production and marketing problems associatd with cane supply and jaggery production in Chittoor District. Chittoor district was purposively selected as it is a major sugarcane producing district in the State. Four villages, two from Thavanampalli mandal and two from Bangarupalem mandal constituted the study area, from which 120 respondents, 45 cane suppliers (category I) and 75 j aggery producers (category II) constituted the sample for the study. Data pertaining to the Agr-icultural year 1990-91 was collected from respondents by personal interview. Both conventional and functional analyses were applied in the study. Cost of production on hectare basis was higher (Rs. 32227. 16) on category II farms compared to Rs.26597.64 on category I farms, exhibiting direct relation with farm size on category I farms and an inverse relationship on category II farms. However cost of production per unit of output was higher (Rs. 393. 8 per tonne) on category I farms compared to Rs. 364. 76 _ per quintal j aggery on category II farms. Per hectare Gross returns were higher on (Rs. 35200. 98) category II farms compared to (Rs. 28028. 55) on category I farms and was directly related with farmsize on both category farms. Gross returns per unit of output on an average was higher on category farms (Rs. 414. 99 per tonne) compared to Rs.409.29 per quintal of jaggery on category II farms. Net returns per hectare were higher (Rs.2973.82) on category II farms over category I farms (Rs.1430.91). Net returns per unit of output on an average was higher on category II farms (Rs.44.53 per quintal of jaggery) compared to Rs.21.19 per tonne of cane on category I farms. Resource use efficiency analysis revealed several resource use inefficiencies on both category farms, cost-output analysis revealed better fit of quadratic function on category I farms and linear function on category II farms. e>:n Marketing costs onAaverage were higher ( Rs. 36. 94 per tonne) on category I farms compared to Rs. 23. 57 per quintal j aggery~ ategory II farms and was directly related with farmsize on category I farms and inversely related with farmsize on category II farms. Shortage of inputs viz., labour, credit and water, lower cane pr ice, problem in obtaining cutting permit were the major problems in the production and marketing of cane. Limited input availability, lack of infrastructural facility, lack of Regulated market yard, fluctuations in jaggery price were the major problems in production and marketing of j aggery in Chittoor district.ennullJAGGERY PRODUCTION AND MARKETING VIS-A-VIS.SUGARCANE SUPPLY TO FACTORIES IN CHITTOOR DISTRICT OF A.P • • AN ECONOMIC ANALYSISThesis