Pugazhenthi TRRangasamy STensingh Gnanaraj P, et al.,TANUVAS2024-07-252024-07-252013https://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810212502A wide range of unusual feedstuffs can be led to livestock safely and effectively. Brewery wastes rich in yeast are usually thrown down in the drain, where they are a burden on water treatment process in addition to wasting valuable nutrients. it is a novel way of increasing the milk yielding capacity of cattle with improved, fat content by feeding the brewery waste - the ‘spent malt’ to the dairy cattle. it is quite palatable, bulky feed and to a good source of protein and water soluble vitamins with low energy content.EnglishEFFECT OF FEEDING BREWERY WASTES ON MILK PRODUCTION OF CATTLESOUVENIR XLII Dairy Industry Conference, CTC, ChennaiOther