Kamalvanshi, V.Kumar, Yogesh2019-10-242019-10-242019Instant foodhttp://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810132761Consumed to provide nutritional support to the body for their growth and development as well as for the replacement of its worn-out tissues. Food is generally of plant or animal origin that contains essential nutrients, for instance, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Packaged instant foods and ready to eat food brought the advantages of pre-prepared time-saving food to homes of ordinary people. Instant foods are those foods which help in reducing the time of preparation (within 5 minutes) Example- Coffee, Tea, Minute rice, Baby food, Maggi, Noodles, Mixed birds custard etc. Ready to eat foods usually ready to eat without further preparation. Example- Popcorn,Bread, and Juice drinks etc.Accounting for about 32 percent of the country’s total food market, The Government of India has been instrumental in the growth and development of the food processing industry. It may be concluded from the study that there is a good scope for the entry of new firms with instant food and ready to eat food products into the market. The majority of the respondents spend about 15-20 percent of their total food expenditure on instant foods and ready to eat foods per month. Consumers perceive instant foods as easy to prepare, trendy, time saving, well packed and more hygienic, convenience food.ennullA Study on Consumer Purchasing Behaviour of Instant and Ready to Eat Food Products.Thesis