PATEL, H. L.PATEL, BHAILALBHAI M.2018-06-212018-06-211984 is a predominantly an agricultural country, where, keeping milch animals has been never a separate occupation from agriculture. The production and consumption of milk and milk products per capita in India is very low as compared with some developed countries. The advancement in the field of dairy production and management has opened an avenue where the milk yield can be increased mainfold and considerably at a short span of time with adoption of package of dairy practices. It is well known fact that the hard core of poverty is found in rural areas. The hope for solving the problems of rural poverty and under employment lies in animal husbandry. Keeping in view of this, the overall objective of this study was to know the impact of Panchmahal dairy on milk producers of Panchmahals district in relation to animal husbandry practices.enExtension Education, AgricultureA StudyA STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF THE PANCHMAHAL DAIRY (A MILK PRODUCERS' CO-OPERATIVE UNION) ON MILK PRODUCERS OF PANCHMAHALS DISTRICT IN RELATION TO ANIMAL HUSBANDRY PRACTICESThesis