Dr. Meenaben C. PatelJITENDRA R. GELOT2017-11-162017-11-162014http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810035877In recent years, computer technology has been incorporated into a wide range of consumers and industrial products. Computers are routinely used in word processing, communication, e-mail, entertainment and repetitive tasks that can be automated. Nowadays, thousands of softwares are available to perform almost any imaginable task using built-in rules and procedures. These programmes offer fast and efficient ways to conduct any work, business, teaching, research, learning and education. Starting from very small work to any other extraordinary task, the computer has become a part and parcel of the life. It is expected that VLWsenExtension EducationStudyCOMPUTER INCLINATION OF VILLAGE LEVEL WORKERS OF ANAND DISTRICT OF GUJARATThesis