Mehak Jain2017-04-102017-04-102010 21st century has been widely acclaimed as knowledge era where knowledge is the driver of future economies. A study was carried out to discuss the concept of knowledge society as portrayed by print media and to compare the coverage of issues related to knowledge with special reference to National Knowledge Commission in different newspapers. A census study of three newspapers − The Times of India, The Hindu and The Tribune was carried out for three months. It was concluded that print media discussed extensively the concepts of knowledge society, knowledge management and knowledge economy, but it has not significantly covered issues like technical education, innovation and digital libraries. The print media also highlighted that knowledge is like a bearer cheque of 21st century that can be encashed if nurtured besides the technical aspects with innovation, creativity and ethics. By comparison of selected newspapers the study concluded that The Tribune performed better than other two newspapers. It gave significant coverage to National Knowledge Commission through editorials and news analysis where The Hindu failed to make such sufficient contributions. Print media needs to create awareness about knowledge society and narrow the gap between the intellects and common people.ennullNATIONAL KNOWLEDGE COMMISSION AND MEDIA: A STUDY OF THE ROLE OF PRINT MEDIA IN BUILDING A KNOWLEDGE SOCIETYThesis