Gangadhar Eswar Rao, G.SANJEEVA, M.B.2021-09-242021-09-242018-08-01Th-12037 field experiment entitled “studies on sources and levels of organic manures on growth, yield and quality of black cumin” was conducted at RIOF, UAS, GKVK, Bengaluru during rabi 2017. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with 12 treatments replicated thrice and the cultivar used was Ajmer Kalonji-1. Results revealed that application of 125 per cent N equivalent through vermicompost recorded significantly higher seed yield and fixed oil yield (723 and 261 kg ha-1, respectively). This was attributed mainly by enhanced growth parameters like plant height (55.33 cm), primary branches per plant (8.07), dry matter per plant (12.93 g) at harvest, yield attributes like number of pods per plant (28.67), size of pods (3.00 cm2) and seeds per pod (87.33) and quality parameters like fixed oil (36.20 %) and volatile oil (0.70 %). Higher gross return (Rs. 159133 ha-1) was obtained with the application of 125 per cent N equivalent through vermicompost and higher net returns (Rs. 96326 ha-1) was obtained with the application of 50 per cent N equivalent through vermicompsot + 25 per cent N equivalent through compost + 25 per cent N equivalent through bio digester liquid organic manure. Whereas, higher B:C ratio (3.74) was recorded with the application of 125 per cent N equivalent through bio digester liquid organic manure.EnglishSTUDIES ON SOURCES AND LEVELS OF ORGANIC MANURES ON GROWTH, YIELD AND QUALITY OF BLACK CUMIN (Nigella sativa L.)Thesis