Kale, K.M.Mandakmale, S. D2018-08-092018-08-091987http://krishikosh.egranth.ac.in/handle/1/5810063881In all 1476 records of FG, JG, FJG, JFG and BFG Crosses were collected from all India co ordinated Research Project on cattle, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri and analysed to study the comparative productive productive performance of the five genetic groups. The Least squares analysis (Harvey, 1960) was carried out to assess the influence of Age at First calving , Weight at First Calving, First Lactation Length Lactation Order, Month and Year of Calving and genetic groups on different productive traits viz. weight at calving toral milk yield in 300 days or less lactation length and dry period. The data were adjusted for significant effects to work out phenotypic and genetic correlations and heritanility. The comparison between genetic groups was made on the basis of pooled analysis.ennullComparative studies on production performance of Gir Halfbreds and their second generation Crosses with two Exotic Dairy BreedsThesis