Sasikala, KVijayakumar, GSivaraman, SBalasubramaniam, GATANUVAS2019-11-262019-11-262018 one Jersey cross bred and fifteen Holstein Friesian cross bred cattles were presented with the history of anorexia, pyrexia and brisket /jowl /ventral edema for 3-5 days. On clinical examination animals had tachycardia, muffled heart sounds, brisket /jowl /ventral edema, positive venous stasis, abducted elbows and pyrexia. Leukocytosis with neutrophilia, significantly elevated aspartate aminotransferase and globulin values were noticed on haemato-biochemical examination. Radiography revealed loss of thoracic details and presence of radiopaque metallic foreign body piercing the heart through diaphragm. Anechoic fluid filled pericardial cavity with or without fibrinous strands extending between walls of pericardium was appreciated through ultrasonography. Video endoscopy was done by physical restrain and could not appreciate specific changes in reticulum. 10 cattle in the near term of pregnancy were administered with streptopenicillin, frusemide, flunixin meglumine and B complex along with fluid therapy for 5 days. The pericardial drainage and lavage was done by fixing a pericardial drainage catheter. Clinical improvement was noticed on 3rd day and were discharged on 5th day.enVeterinary ScienceClinico Diagnostic Studies on Traumatic Reticulopericarditis in Cattle – A Review of 56 CasesInternational Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied SciencesArticle